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step by step



This production is a Workshop create at ArtFX School. For this workshop we have the objective to create an extension for the boardgame Time Stories with the scenarios & all the Cards


In this project we was 2 Game Designers for all the creation of the extension

STEP 1 :

Analyse the game

In first time we do some test of the game to see different things we need for create the Content and the System of the extensions.
After we see what is good and what is not good different scenarios of Times Stories we begin the creation.


STEP 2 :

creation of the system

During this step we create the system of our scenarios because in all scenarios of Time Stories, we already have one more little mechanic. For this one we choose to use the system of time to create 2 scenarios in one. One 5minutes before the problem of the scenario, the other one 5 minutes after.


STEP 3 :

creation of the scenario

After we've created the system, we begin the creation of the scenario. So, we decide to think about a main scenario, with the problem and how to solve it and we create different rooms with different things for the discover of the scenario


For the last work of this step we organize our different rooms of the game with Yed to keep a guide and structure the scenario

And at last for all this workshop we have to made all the cards we need to play the scenario.



That's all for this project ! I hope you like it. This work is a really big work during one week and I'm really proud of the result

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