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step by step



(Quick note before the introduction, you can click on the picture juste on the top for download the game)


ICHOR is an Asymetric Cooperation Game where one Player is in VR and play a Melee fighter and the other one on PC and play a flying drone who can shoot.

Imagine RAW Data mix with Orc Must Die


This production is the Game I've made for the last year at ArtFX, the production begin in September 2018 and end in June 2019, but the prepoduction begin in September 2017 and end in June 2018


During this project, I made all the Game Design (System, Content, Narrative), a part of Level Design and all the technical part.


And I'm really proud of this project, he win the Game of The Year - Immersive Media at the Rookies Awards 2019


Here you can find the GDD of ICHOR.

Here the Certificate of the winning at Rookies Awards 2019


STEP 1 :Pre-Prod

Find References

First step was simple, find references for the kind of game I want to create. At this time I know I want a co-op game, so I have to find different games for see what players love and what they don't love.


After this, I do analysis of the Game Genre I want to create.

extract of game genre.PNG

Game Genre Analysis for the first concept, Through the Acts and Beliefs which become ICHOR

STEP 2 :Pre-Prod

Game Concept

Now, I have the references of the Game so I decide to create the Persona and Game Concept with all general informations, main features, USP and the first title of the Game. At this step, I know this is a real first version and the game can evolve (for now, he is not a VR game yet, but the asymetric co-op game is here and one player is on melee, when the other one is at long range).

Extract of Actual GDD

extract actual gdd.PNG

Right after this, I've made Gameplay Sketches, and all sub-features, actions, and system of the game. For documentations I create Dynamic System and a MindMap. After the MindMap I make the core gameloop and all the gameloops for each features.

Extract of Actual GDD

The lasts documents I've done what the Gameplay Pillars for analyse what I have now in the game and for now what is the main activites for the players. At this step I have to compare this gameplay pillars with the persona for know if I have to do modifications on features and all the system in General.

Extract of Actual GDD


At this moment, the name of the game is Through The Acts and Beliefs. This is not a VR Game but a Metroidvania in 2D where one player is a melee fighter human and the other one is a ghost who have range spells. But... the game we will change a lot.

STEP 3 :Pre-Prod

scope & evolution

With the help of the teachers of ArtFX, we now have to reduce the scope, for create a realisable prototype in 8 months. But right before this, Through the Acts and Beliefs become a VR Game with asymetric co-op where one player is in VR and the other one on the PC. For create this, we have to cut the Metroidvania part and we decide to make a defense game where the two players have to defend a point from waves of enemies. ICHOR is born now.


Extract of Actual GDD

STEP 4 :Production

At this time I actualise all the GDD for be clear with my Game Artist and because we need to know our new "way".

Now we begin the development of the game with the engine Unreal Engine 4 and we do collaborative work with GitHub.

During the development, I worked on all the tech part and on the Integration of the Game Art in the Game


During this step I've made lot of works on the balance and feedbacks and on some part of System. We really to produce a really fun and original VR Game with a fun cooperation Game. Because I was alone at GD and Tech this was really ward because for each modification in the game I have to modify the document, and this in really short time. 

STEP 5 : Conclusion


Here you can find the GDD of ICHOR.

After a huge work we finaly finish ICHOR and we are really proud of the results. After lot of playtests during the production, lot of changes we have a game where people find fun, and love to play in VR and on a PC. I love to see how players cooperate, what kind of strategy they make for win.


And a huge bonus for us... we win the Game of The Year - Immersive Media of the Rookies Awards 2019 !


Thank you for read this, I hope you enjoy this presentation. If you want to play Ichor, you can find it here :

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